Our highly experienced engineers utilise up to date design software that includes industry recognised gear calculation software and Solid Works computer aided design programme.
This combined with over 30 years design experience enables us to provide you with innovative and reliable gearbox solutions.
Existing gearboxes can be retro fitted with oil filters, coolers and pump systems for lubricating gears and/or bearings.
Depending on the speed of the gearbox sometimes small speed increaser boxes need to be added. These modifications can eliminate the need for manual greasing or oiling and increase the gearboxes thermal capacity allowing for more power.
A.H. Gears is dedicated to being at the forefront of gearbox and gear design and is constantly investing in high quality software and training.
With an in-house gear and gearbox design service utilising solid modelling, it is easy to convert ideas and concepts into working computer models before proceeding with manufacture.
A.H. Gears has the ability to not only design the optimum gear set or gearbox but can model them as well.
With highly trained designers who have a solid industry background, any ideas or concepts can be easily turned into reality with the latest software on the market.